Four new members at the Lecturer/Senior lecturer level have been elected and are in the procedure of joining the mlearn Group. They are:
Dr Vassilis Cutsuridis, with Ph.D in Computer Science on biologically inspired neural models and brain state analysis, with a long experience in understanding mental experiences and behaviours and generating brain related algorithms for complex data analysis, medical imaging and neuroscience.
Dr Mingjun Zhong, with Ph.D. on Independent Component Analysis and application to fMRI data and a long expertise on computational statistics & machine learning, devising statistical and probabilistic methods for real-life data analysis, e.g., for high resolution gas & electricity data, related to energy.
Dr Georgios Leontidis, with Ph.D. in computer science and medical informatics and postdoctoral experience in big data analytics, data mining, machine learning and statistical modelling, with application field in radiation therapy.
Dr Miao Yu, with Ph.D. in computer vision and application in human activity recognition and in fall detection and postdoctoral experience in intelligent and knowledge assisted signal processing, with a focus on object tracking and localization.